Perbandingan Ukuran Planet & Bintang

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Perbandingan skala ini menunjukkan "tempat yang benar" Bumi dan Matahari di antara berbagai raksasa alam semesta. Hal ini secara simultan menenangkan dan membingungkan otak kita.
Pertama serangkaian gambar terbuka dengan Death Star (Star Wars) dibandingkan dengan Mimas, salah satu bulan Saturnus. Perhatikan kesamaan di antara duanya :)

Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography

Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography

Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography

Bumi cukup kecil dan cukup untuk ditelan oleh bintik matahari:

Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography

Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography
Astronomy, Science, Digital Photography

"The Universe is a big place populated by stars and thoroughly confused humans."
-- Avi Abrams

"We simply do not understand our place in the universe
and have not the courage to admit it"
-- Barry Lopez (American writer, b.1945)

"Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery - the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets - is this: that for every outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an outside, and although they are different, they go together."
-- Alan Watts

"The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination.
But the combination is locked up in the safe."
-- Peter De Vries

"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
-- C.S. Lewis

"The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love."
-- Victor Hugo

"The universe is full of magical things,
patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
-- Eden Phillpotts

1 Response to "Perbandingan Ukuran Planet & Bintang"

  1. Anonymous

    dan manusia hanya setitik debu kosmos di belantara semesta

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